Reading and Writing CZI documents made easy
libCZI::Utils Class Reference

A bunch of utility functions. More...

#include <libCZI_Utilities.h>

Public Types

using CompressionOption = std::pair< libCZI::CompressionMode, std::shared_ptr< libCZI::ICompressParameters > >

Static Public Member Functions

static char DimensionToChar (libCZI::DimensionIndex dim)
static libCZI::DimensionIndex CharToDimension (char c)
static int CalcMd5SumHash (libCZI::IBitmapData *bm, std::uint8_t *ptrHash, int hashSize)
static int CalcMd5SumHash (const void *ptrData, size_t sizeData, std::uint8_t *ptrHash, int hashSize)
static std::vector< std::uint8_t > Create8BitLookUpTableFromSplines (int tableElementCnt, float blackPoint, float whitePoint, const std::vector< libCZI::IDisplaySettings::SplineData > &splineData)
static std::vector< std::uint8_t > Create8BitLookUpTableFromGamma (int tableElementCnt, float blackPoint, float whitePoint, float gamma)
static std::vector< std::uint16_t > Create16BitLookUpTableFromGamma (int tableElementCnt, float blackPoint, float whitePoint, float gamma)
static std::vector< libCZI::IDisplaySettings::SplineDataCalcSplineDataFromPoints (int pointCnt, std::function< std::tuple< double, double >(int idx)> getPoint)
static std::shared_ptr< libCZI::IBitmapDataNearestNeighborResize (libCZI::IBitmapData *bmSrc, int dstWidth, int dstHeight)
static std::shared_ptr< libCZI::IBitmapDataNearestNeighborResize (libCZI::IBitmapData *bmSrc, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, const DblRect &roiSrc, const DblRect &roiDest)
static float CalcZoom (const libCZI::IntRect &logicalRect, const libCZI::IntSize &physicalSize)
static float CalcZoom (const libCZI::IntSize &logicalSize, const libCZI::IntSize &physicalSize)
static const char * PixelTypeToInformalString (libCZI::PixelType pixeltype)
static std::uint8_t GetBytesPerPixel (libCZI::PixelType pixelType)
static const char * CompressionModeToInformalString (libCZI::CompressionMode compressionMode)
static std::string DimCoordinateToString (const libCZI::IDimCoordinate *coord)
static bool StringToDimCoordinate (const char *sz, libCZI::CDimCoordinate *coord)
static std::string DimBoundsToString (const libCZI::IDimBounds *bounds)
static std::shared_ptr< libCZI::IIndexSetIndexSetFromString (const std::wstring &s)
static libCZI::PixelType TryDeterminePixelTypeForChannel (libCZI::ISubBlockRepository *repository, int channelIdx)
static int Compare (const IDimCoordinate *a, const IDimCoordinate *b)
static bool HasSameDimensions (const IDimCoordinate *a, const IDimCoordinate *b)
static std::shared_ptr< ICziMetadataBuilderCreateSubBlockMetadata (const std::function< bool(int, std::tuple< std::string, std::string > &)> &tagsEnum=nullptr)
static bool EnumAllCoordinates (const libCZI::CDimBounds &bounds, const std::function< bool(std::uint64_t, const libCZI::CDimCoordinate &coord)> &func)
static void FillBitmap (libCZI::IBitmapData *bm, const libCZI::RgbFloatColor &floatColor)
static libCZI::CompressionMode CompressionModeFromRawCompressionIdentifier (std::int32_t m)
static std::int32_t CompressionModeToCompressionIdentifier (libCZI::CompressionMode mode)
static bool IsValidMindex (int mIndex)
static CompressionOption ParseCompressionOptions (const std::string &options)

Static Public Attributes

static const char *const KEY_COMPRESS_EXPLICIT_LEVEL
static const char *const KEY_COMPRESS_PRE_PROCESS
static const char *const VALUE_COMPRESS_HILO_BYTE_UNPACK

Detailed Description

A bunch of utility functions.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ CompressionOption

Define a type for compression options. It is a pair where one parameter is compression mode and the others are compression parameters.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CalcMd5SumHash() [1/2]

static int libCZI::Utils::CalcMd5SumHash ( const void *  ptrData,
size_t  sizeData,
std::uint8_t *  ptrHash,
int  hashSize 

Calculates the MD5SUM hash for the specified data.

[in]ptrDataPointer to the data (for which to calculate the MD5SUM-hash).
[in]sizeDataThe size of the data (pointed to by ptrData).
[in,out]ptrHashPointer to the hash-code result. The result will be of size 16 bytes.
hashSizeSize of the hash-code result pointed to by ptrHash. We need 16 bytes.
The count of bytes that were written to in ptrHash as the MD5SUM-hash (always 16).

◆ CalcMd5SumHash() [2/2]

static int libCZI::Utils::CalcMd5SumHash ( libCZI::IBitmapData bm,
std::uint8_t *  ptrHash,
int  hashSize 

Calculates the MD5SUM hash for the pixels in the specified bitmap.

[in]bmThe bitmap.
[in,out]ptrHashPointer to the hash-code result. The result will be of size 16 bytes.
hashSizeSize of the hash-code result pointed to by ptrHash. We need 16 bytes.
The count of bytes that were written to in ptrHash as the MD5SUM-hash (always 16).

◆ CalcSplineDataFromPoints()

static std::vector<libCZI::IDisplaySettings::SplineData> libCZI::Utils::CalcSplineDataFromPoints ( int  pointCnt,
std::function< std::tuple< double, double >(int idx)>  getPoint 

Calculates the spline coefficients from a list of control points.

pointCntNumber of control points.
getPointA functor which will be used to retrieve the control point's coordinates.
The calculated spline data from the specified control points.

◆ CalcZoom() [1/2]

static float libCZI::Utils::CalcZoom ( const libCZI::IntRect logicalRect,
const libCZI::IntSize physicalSize 

Calculate a zoom-factor from the physical- and logical size.

This calculation not really well-defined.
logicalRectThe logical rectangle.
physicalSizePhysical size.
The calculated zoom.

◆ CalcZoom() [2/2]

static float libCZI::Utils::CalcZoom ( const libCZI::IntSize logicalSize,
const libCZI::IntSize physicalSize 

Calculate a zoom-factor from the physical- and logical size.

This calculation not really well-defined.
logicalSizeThe logical size.
physicalSizeThe physical size.
The calculated zoom.

◆ CharToDimension()

static libCZI::DimensionIndex libCZI::Utils::CharToDimension ( char  c)

Convert the specified single character to the corresponding dimension enum. The single character may be given uppercase or lowercase. In case that no corresponding dimension enum exists, DimensionIndex::invalid is returned.

cThe "single char representation" of a dimension.
A enum value representing the specified dimension if it exists, DimensionIndex::invalid otherwise.

◆ Compare()

static int libCZI::Utils::Compare ( const IDimCoordinate a,
const IDimCoordinate b 

Compares two coordinate-objects to determine their relative ordering. The algorithm employed is: we check for all coordinates which are marked valid in a or b (in the order of the numerical value or the enum)...

  1. coordinateA(dim) is valid and coordinateB(dim) is invalid -> a > b
  2. coordinateA(dim) is invalid and coordinateB(dim) is valid -> a < b
  3. if both are valid, then the coordinate-values are determined and compared
aFirst coordinate to be compared.
bSecond coordinate to be compared.
Negative if 'a' is less than 'b', 0 if they are equal, or positive if it is greater.

◆ CompressionModeFromRawCompressionIdentifier()

static libCZI::CompressionMode libCZI::Utils::CompressionModeFromRawCompressionIdentifier ( std::int32_t  m)

Convert the "raw compression identifier" to an enumeration. Note that all unknown values (unknown to libCZI) are mapped to CompressionMode::Invalid. Compression mode from raw compression identifier

mThe raw compression identifier to convert.
The corresponding compression enumeration.

◆ CompressionModeToCompressionIdentifier()

static std::int32_t libCZI::Utils::CompressionModeToCompressionIdentifier ( libCZI::CompressionMode  mode)

Convert the specified compression enumeration to the corresponding raw compression identifier.

modeThe compression enumeration mode.
The corresponding raw compression identifier.

◆ CompressionModeToInformalString()

static const char* libCZI::Utils::CompressionModeToInformalString ( libCZI::CompressionMode  compressionMode)

Retrieves an informal string representing the specified compression mode. The string representation returned here is suitable for use with the compression-options parsing function (ParseCompressionOptions).

compressionModeThe compression mode.
A pointer to a static string. Will always be non-null (even in case of an invalid value for compressionMode.

◆ Create16BitLookUpTableFromGamma()

static std::vector<std::uint16_t> libCZI::Utils::Create16BitLookUpTableFromGamma ( int  tableElementCnt,
float  blackPoint,
float  whitePoint,
float  gamma 

Creates 16-bit look-up table from the specified gamma value. An exponential with the specified gamma is sampled between blackPoint and whitePoint (i. e. points left of blackPoint are set to 0 and right of whitePoint are set to 1).

tableElementCntNumber of points to sample - the result will have as many samples as specified here.
blackPointThe black point.
whitePointThe white point.
gammaThe gamma.
The new 16-bit look up table generated from the gamma value. The number is elements is as specified by tableElementCount.

◆ Create8BitLookUpTableFromGamma()

static std::vector<std::uint8_t> libCZI::Utils::Create8BitLookUpTableFromGamma ( int  tableElementCnt,
float  blackPoint,
float  whitePoint,
float  gamma 

Creates 8-bit look-up table from the specified gamma value. An exponential with the specified gamma is sampled between blackPoint and whitePoint (i. e. points left of blackPoint are set to 0 and right of whitePoint are set to 1).

tableElementCntNumber of points to sample - the result will have as many samples as specified here.
blackPointThe black point.
whitePointThe white point.
gammaThe gamma.
The new 8-bit look up table generated from the gamma value. The number is elements is as specified by tableElementCount.

◆ Create8BitLookUpTableFromSplines()

static std::vector<std::uint8_t> libCZI::Utils::Create8BitLookUpTableFromSplines ( int  tableElementCnt,
float  blackPoint,
float  whitePoint,
const std::vector< libCZI::IDisplaySettings::SplineData > &  splineData 

Creates an 8-bit look-up table from the specified splines. A spline is sampled between blackPoint and whitePoint (i. e. points left of blackPoint are set to 0 and right of whitePoint are set to 1).

tableElementCntNumber of points to sample - the result will have as many samples as specified here.
blackPointThe black point.
whitePointThe white point.
splineDataInformation describing the spline.
The new 8-bit look up table generated from the spline. The number is elements is as specified by tableElementCount.

◆ CreateSubBlockMetadata()

static std::shared_ptr<ICziMetadataBuilder> libCZI::Utils::CreateSubBlockMetadata ( const std::function< bool(int, std::tuple< std::string, std::string > &)> &  tagsEnum = nullptr)

Creates a metadata-builder object suitable for generating sub-block metadata. It generates XML in the form


The specified function can be used to give a set of nodename-value-pairs - which are added under the "Tags"-node.

[in]tagsEnumOptionally, a function which is called to provide a pair of strings, where the first element gives the node-name and the second the value. The first integer argument counts the number of calls made to this function. The function has to return true, if it provided valid information and it will be called again. If it returns false, it will not be called again.
The newly created metadata-builder object.

◆ DimBoundsToString()

static std::string libCZI::Utils::DimBoundsToString ( const libCZI::IDimBounds bounds)

Get a string representation of the specified bounds.

boundsThe bounds.
A string representation of the specified bounds.

◆ DimCoordinateToString()

static std::string libCZI::Utils::DimCoordinateToString ( const libCZI::IDimCoordinate coord)

Get a string representation of the specified coordinate.

coordThe coordinate.
A string representation of the specified coordinate.

◆ DimensionToChar()

static char libCZI::Utils::DimensionToChar ( libCZI::DimensionIndex  dim)

Convert the specified dimension enum to the corresponding "single char representation". The returned character will be uppercase. If the specified dimension enum cannot be converted, '?' is returned.

dimThe dimension enum.
A character representing the specified dimension.

◆ EnumAllCoordinates()

static bool libCZI::Utils::EnumAllCoordinates ( const libCZI::CDimBounds bounds,
const std::function< bool(std::uint64_t, const libCZI::CDimCoordinate &coord)> &  func 

Enumerate all coordinates "contained" in the specified bounds. The specified function is called with all valid coordinates (which lie inside the bounds). The first argument to the function is a counter which increments for each generated coordinate (and starts with 0). If the function returns false, the enumeration is ended, and this function returns immediately with false.

boundsThe bounds.
funcThe function to be called with the generated coordinates.
True if the enumeration completed, false if it was cancelled (by returning false from the callback).

◆ FillBitmap()

static void libCZI::Utils::FillBitmap ( libCZI::IBitmapData bm,
const libCZI::RgbFloatColor floatColor 

Fill the specified bitmap with the specified color.

[in,out]bmThe bitmap.
floatColorThe color.

◆ GetBytesPerPixel()

static std::uint8_t libCZI::Utils::GetBytesPerPixel ( libCZI::PixelType  pixelType)

Gets the number of bytes which represent a pixel. In case of an invalid pixelType-argument, and invalid_argument is thrown.

pixelTypeThe pixel type.
The number of bytes which represent a pixel.

◆ HasSameDimensions()

static bool libCZI::Utils::HasSameDimensions ( const IDimCoordinate a,
const IDimCoordinate b 

Test whether the two specified coordinates have the same set of valid dimensions.

aThe first coordinate-object to compare.
bThe second coordinate-object to compare.
True if the two coordinates have the same set of valid dimensions, false otherwise.

◆ IndexSetFromString()

static std::shared_ptr<libCZI::IIndexSet> libCZI::Utils::IndexSetFromString ( const std::wstring &  s)

Create an index-set object from a string representation. The string is a list of intervals, separated by comma (','). It can be of the form "5", "17", "3-5", "-3-5". The string "inf" (meaning 'infinity') is recognized in order to express "all numbers up to" or "all numbers after" , e. g. "-inf-4" or "5-inf". In case of an invalid string, an LibCZIStringParseException exception is thrown.

sThe string to convert to an index-set object.
A newly create std::shared_ptr<libCZI::IIndexSet> object.

◆ IsValidMindex()

static bool libCZI::Utils::IsValidMindex ( int  mIndex)

Determine if the specified value is a valid m-index.

mIndexThe m-index to check.
True if the value is a valid m-index, false if not.

◆ NearestNeighborResize() [1/2]

static std::shared_ptr<libCZI::IBitmapData > libCZI::Utils::NearestNeighborResize ( libCZI::IBitmapData bmSrc,
int  dstWidth,
int  dstHeight 

Resize the specified bitmap to the specified width and height. This method employs a nearest-neighbor-scaling algorihm.

[in]bmSrcThe source bitmap.
dstWidthWidth of the destination.
dstHeightHeight of the destination.
A std::shared_ptr<libCZI::IBitmapData > containing the scaled bitmap.

◆ NearestNeighborResize() [2/2]

static std::shared_ptr<libCZI::IBitmapData > libCZI::Utils::NearestNeighborResize ( libCZI::IBitmapData bmSrc,
int  dstWidth,
int  dstHeight,
const DblRect roiSrc,
const DblRect roiDest 

Resize a ROI from the specified bitmap to the specified width and height. This method employs a nearest-neighbor-scaling algorihm.

[in]bmSrcThe source bitmap.
dstWidthWidth of the destination.
dstHeightHeight of the destination.
roiSrcThe ROI (in the source bitmap).
roiDestThe ROI (in the destination bitmap)
A std::shared_ptr<libCZI::IBitmapData >

◆ ParseCompressionOptions()

static CompressionOption libCZI::Utils::ParseCompressionOptions ( const std::string &  options)

Parse specified string as a compression option and return the compression option, which is a pair of compression mode and the compression parameters. The format of the string representation is: "<compression_method>: key=value; ...". It starts with the name of the compression-method, followed by a colon, then followed by a list of key-value pairs which are separated by a semicolon. Examples: "zstd0:ExplicitLevel=3", "zstd1:ExplicitLevel=2;PreProcess=HiLoByteUnpack" If parsing fails an excpetion of type "Logic_error" is thrown.

◆ PixelTypeToInformalString()

static const char* libCZI::Utils::PixelTypeToInformalString ( libCZI::PixelType  pixeltype)

Retrieves an informal string representing the specified pixeltype.

pixeltypeThe pixel-type.
A pointer to a static string. Will always be non-null (even in case of an invalid value for pixeltype.

◆ StringToDimCoordinate()

static bool libCZI::Utils::StringToDimCoordinate ( const char *  sz,
libCZI::CDimCoordinate coord 

Convert the specified string into a dimension-coordinate instance.

szThe string to convert.
[out]coordIf non-null and if the parsing was successful, the information will be put here.
True if the string parsed successfully, false otherwise.

◆ TryDeterminePixelTypeForChannel()

static libCZI::PixelType libCZI::Utils::TryDeterminePixelTypeForChannel ( libCZI::ISubBlockRepository repository,
int  channelIdx 

Try to determine the pixel type for channel. This is done by looking at an (arbitrary) subblock within the specified channel. There are cases where this does not yield a result - e. g. if there is no subblock present with the specified channel-index.

[in]repositoryThe CZI-document.
channelIdxThe channel index.
The pixeltype if it can be determined. If it cannot be determined reliably (e.g. there is no subblock with the specified channel-index), then PixelType::Invalid is returned.

Member Data Documentation


const char* const libCZI::Utils::KEY_COMPRESS_EXPLICIT_LEVEL

ZStdX compression level parameter. This parameter is used both with ZStd0 and ZStd1. Example: "zstd0:ExplicitLevel=2" or "zstd1:ExplicitLevel=2"


const char* const libCZI::Utils::KEY_COMPRESS_PRE_PROCESS

ZStd1 compression preprocessing parameter. The valid value is "HiLoByteUnpack" The parameter is valid only for ZStd1 compression and ignored in case of ZStd0. Example: "zstd1:ExplicitLevel=2;PreProcess=HiLoByteUnpack" and ignored in case of "zstd0:ExplicitLevel=2;PreProcess=HiLoByteUnpack"


const char* const libCZI::Utils::VALUE_COMPRESS_HILO_BYTE_UNPACK

The valid (expected) value in case of Pre-Processing. The flag indicates whether the "HiLoByteUnpack" is enabled or not. The parameter and the value are valid only for 16- and 48-bit pixel images. For all other pixel types the parameter and the value are ignored. Example: - Pixel type Bgr8 : Ignored --> "zstd1:ExplicitLevel=2;PreProcess=HiLoByteUnpack"

  • Pixel type Bgr24 : Ignored --> "zstd1:ExplicitLevel=2;PreProcess=HiLoByteUnpack"
  • Pixel type Gray16: Used --> "zstd1:ExplicitLevel=2;PreProcess=HiLoByteUnpack"
  • Pixel type Gray48: Used --> "zstd1:ExplicitLevel=2;PreProcess=HiLoByteUnpack"

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