Reading and Writing CZI documents made easy
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Building libCZI

libCZI aims to be portable and should build readily using any decent C++ compiler. This repository is leveraging the CMake system for building.

Here are some instructions for building on Windows and on Linux.

Building on Windows with Visual Studio

Visual Studio has built-in support for CMake projects. Executing File->Open Folder... and pointing to the folder where the libCZI-repo is located should give something like this: The project should compile and build without further ado.

For building on the command-line, it is recommended to do an out-of-source build. Executing those commands will execute all steps - go to the folder where the libCZI-repo is located:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .

Building on Linux

The same steps as above will build the code - go into the folder where the libCZI-repo is located, and run

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .


The CMake-file defines the following options for customizing the build:

option description
LIBCZI_BUILD_UNITTESTS Whether to build the unit-tests for libCZI. Default is ON.
LIBCZI_BUILD_CZICMD Whether to build the test- and sample-application CZICmd. Default is OFF.
LIBCZI_BUILD_DYNLIB Whether to build the dynamic link libaray for libczi. Default is ON.
LIBCZI_BUILD_PREFER_EXTERNALPACKAGE_EIGEN3 Whether to use an existing Eigen3-library on the system (included via find_package). If this is OFF, then a copy of Eigen3 is downloaded as part of the build. Default is OFF.
LIBCZI_BUILD_PREFER_EXTERNALPACKAGE_ZSTD Whether to use an existing zstd-library on the system (included via find_package). If this is OFF, then a copy of zstd is downloaded as part of the build. Default is OFF.
LIBCZI_BUILD_CURL_BASED_STREAM Whether a curl-based stream object should be built (and be available in the stream factory). Default is OFF.
LIBCZI_BUILD_PREFER_EXTERNALPACKAGE_LIBCURL Whether to use an existing libcurl-library on the system (included via find_package). If this is OFF, then a copy of libcurl is downloaded as part of the build. Default is OFF.
LIBCZI_BUILD_AZURESDK_BASED_STREAM Whether the Azure-SDK-based stream object should be built (and be available in the stream factory). Default is OFF.

If building CZICmd is desired, then running CMake with this command line will enable building CZICmd:


Building CZICmd requires the external package RapidJSON to be available. In addition, on Linux the packages ZLIB, PNG and (optionally) Freetype are needed.

If necessary, they can be installed like this (assuming a Debian based distro):

sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
sudo apt-get install libpng-dev
sudo apt-get install rapidjson-dev
sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev

For building with a downloaded libcurl, the following packages is needed:

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

Alternatively, the cross-platform package-manager vcpkg can be used to manage the dependencies. For building on Windows, the following command brings in the necessary dependencies:

vcpkg install rapidjson 'curl[ssl]'

Building the documentation

Executing doxygen will produce the HTML documentation in the folder ../Src/Build folder.